Setting up Christmas
Jaxson playing with the wooden nativity Becky made us a couple years ago
I love how our snowman fridge turned out!
Jaxson was so excited when we let him use scissors to help us make snowflakes
These next few pictures were my attempt to take a picture of the kids in their Christmas Sunday outfits...
Jaxson watching Curious George with his friend Reese
This kid can get 4 in a row playing Bop it, he amazes me!
One of my favorite onesies
This is Jaxson's makeshift pacifier, a Spiderman top
I love seeing the kids playing together
Kiah was having a hard morning (teething) and just wanted to be snuggled and held close
After a long nap and some medicine, Kiah became her happy smiley self
Jaxson eating pizza needed to be documented, this was a first for us
Playing with his new basketball hoop from Grandpa Baseball
Snuggling in his new dog blanket from Aunt Shea
Matching jammies from Aunt GayLynn (Jaxson chose the top, and sometimes you just don't argue with a 2 year old :))